Sunday, August 22, 2010

My First 2 Weeks in Viet Nam

Many people whether online or on the phone have asked me: "So.. How is your experience in Viet Nam thus far?" I might have answered simply, "it's great!" or sometimes more extensively "i'm learning a lot. here is why... a, b, c, d." To be truly honest, I am extremely overwhelmed everyday to a point which I feel somewhat lost, so lost that I found. If that makes any sense. If not, it's alright.

This is my first time out of the US. It's very interesting to study and learn about what modernization or "development" means for non-European or "non-Western" countries. I've been questioning a lot about my identity and the various borders I draw for myself. Despite the complexity and theoretical nature of the academic material I have to go through for class including the thoughts I'm thinking each day, I'm learning a lot about the simplicity of life; especially, life here.

Without those clear-cut roads lined and ordered for efficiency.
Without an automobile to always worry about.
Without the road rage that complements individual rights; those me me me's.
Without the excessively large closet I make myself up with.
Without the fast food franchises that storm each intersection.
Without the chemically-engineered food that problematize health of so many people.
And so much more..

I hope to post up pictures each week or every 2 weeks to update friends and family of what I have been up to. I miss you all.

1 comment:

Anna Chiang said...

I hope you are having an AMAZING time, son!! go visit's a BEAUTIFUL country :)