Sunday, July 5, 2009

My 7th Grade Journal

While I was cleaning up my room, I found a journal from 7th grade. I cannot believe I wrote this back then. Around 7 years ago...

September 11, 2002

"I feel sorry for hte people on the plane and the two towers. Innocent people killed over religion. It's just not right. When I saw the building collapsed on the news the first time, I felt like I was in a movie, not real. I have never seen a plane hit into a building then collapsing before, and people jumping out of the window, falling to their end. Never in my life have I saw that kind of image, only in the movies.

Before all this happened back when I was 10, I felt I lived in a good place, where no one would get hurt. But I learned that the world not all happy."

October 11, 2002

"I hate it when people hate on each other. People are not supposed to hate people. About the 9/11 thing, other people were prejudice against the hijackers' nationality, which was Muslim. Americans thought that 'Islam' was a very evil religion. They were all wrong. It looks like they did not study that religion. They just hated it because it was clearly 'Muslim.' Hate is a very powerful word. It defines anger and dislike at the same time. Which can cause that person, or group of people to kill, or oblish that certain thing. An example is the KKK, which is a group of people who hate black people. If one of the members had a chance to kill a black man, he would."

October 23, 2002

"The thing I value most are my family and friends. They are more important in my life than all the riches in the world. Nothing can surpass love or friendship. Without friends or family I would not be me today. Or a part of me. Only a part of me would be here. Without people around people, people would not be people."

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